Transport Services definition

Transport Services means individual DS0, DS1, and DS3 circuits used or sold as bulk transport by XXX for long-haul traffic on the Commercial Fiber as described below:
Transport Services means the transportation of Grain or the arrangement or coordination of the transportation of Grain.
Transport Services means buses, trains, air transport, ships, travel services and car rental.

Examples of Transport Services in a sentence

  • Rail Transport Services (a) Passenger Transportation (7111 ) (1) Unbound* (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.

More Definitions of Transport Services

Transport Services means the transport of passengers or goods by railway, road, air or any other manner which may be approved by the Cabinet, and includes everything that is connected therewith or is necessary to render such services.
Transport Services means the service of physical movement of the Goods by road including reloading and temporary storage during transport (cross docking), where such reloading and temporary storage are integral part of movement of the Goods. Transport Services are performed in one of three shipment systems: DSV Direct System, DSV Groupage System or DSV Courier Services System (DSV XPress).
Transport Services means a commercial service providing the carriage or transmission of voice, video, or data electronic impulses over a distance.
Transport Services means the transport services set out in the order which you are to provide.
Transport Services means the non-emergency Passenger transport services to be performed by St Xxxx as set out in the Scope of Services. Term means the term from the commencement date to the end date as specified in the Contract Details and includes any extension of the Term under clause 3.2.
Transport Services means a carriage service for the transport of Materials or Products to or from a Client provided by Xxxxx or a logistics agent on Xxxxx'x behalf.
Transport Services means the transportation of the Goods and related services specified in the Pricing Proposal, as amended from time to time.