Animal husbandry definition

Animal husbandry means an agricultural use in which animals are reared or kept in order to sell the products they produce, such as meat, fur or eggs. Raising animals to sell as pets shall be considered an animal service use rather than animal husbandry.
Animal husbandry. Limited in size to 400 sq ft maximum. One structure per 5 acres. Structure to be made of single wall construction with dirt or gravel floor. Its distance to other structures is a minimum 10 ft. Minimum of 40 ft from property line.
Animal husbandry means a combined economic-technical branch including activities related to livestock breeds, animal feeds, livestock breeding and processing conditions and market of animal products.

Examples of Animal husbandry in a sentence

  • Industries, the control of which by the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in Public interest as far as these relate to Development of Livestock, fish and birds feed and dairy, poultry and fish products with the limitation that in regard to the development of industries, the functions of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying do not go further than the formulation of the demand and fixation of targets.

  • WDT would consist of subject specialists such as Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Soil & Water Management and Forest.

  • Conducting the workshop for concerned stake holder's department such as Health, Education, Social welfare, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Minor Irrigation etc.iii.

  • In addition, one representative from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, three Members of Academic Council of the University, Secretaries to Government from Panchayat Raj and Finance Departments and Directors of State Departments of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry are also the Members of the Board of Management of ANGRAU.

  • To oversee the project implementation, a provincial project management office (PPMO) has been established in the Gansu Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (DAAH), and county PMOs have been established in the 11 county Bureaus of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (BAAHs).

More Definitions of Animal husbandry

Animal husbandry means premises used for the keeping or breeding of animals or birds, for commercial or non-domestic purposes, in open paddocks or fields where those animals rely primarily on native or improved pasture for feed.
Animal husbandry means the use of premises for the non-intensive keeping, breeding, grazing and depasturing of animals, if such use does not normally require the importation of feed.
Animal husbandry. Any premises used or intended for use for the keeping or farming of animals, birds or reptiles. The term includes poultry, dairy and goat farms, and veterinary establishments associated with them, but does not include a cattery, kennels, piggery, rural industry, stable or lot feeding as defined in this clause, nor the keeping of domestic animals;
Animal husbandry means - a branch of agriculture concerned with the breeding, feeding and management of domestic animals
Animal husbandry means the breeding, rearing and keeping of domesticated animals, including domesticated reindeer, and fur-bearing animals, for use in the agriculture or forestry sectors or for the production of milk, meat, hide, wool, eggs, etc. Bee-keeping shall be deemed equivalent to animal hus- bandry pursuant to this provision.
Animal husbandry means the keeping, depasturing or stabling of any animal, bird, insect, reptile or fish. The term includes the use of land for dairying, cattle grazing, animal breeding establishments, holding yards or hatcheries. The term does not include the keeping of domestic animals or those types of animal industry which are separately defined (being Animal keeping, Aquaculture, Intensive animal husbandry and Stables);
Animal husbandry means the raising and breeding of animals or production of animal products. Typical uses include grazing, ranching, dairy farming, and poultry farming, and beekeeping, but exclude slaughterhouses, beekeeping and feedlot operations. This classification includes accessory agricultural buildings accessory to such uses. Animal sales, boarding, and grooming are defined separately under “animal sales and grooming.” Keeping of animals is defined separately under “animal keeping.”